Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase


Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas. One of a kind painting. Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches. Framing not needed,painted by all sides.


Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides. Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides.

Colourful bouquet of flowers in a vase,original oil impasto textured painting on 3 d canvas.
One of a kind painting.
Size 40/50 sm ,15.7/19.6 inches.
Framing not needed,painted by all sides.