Boats on the lake


Boats on the lake oil painting


Boats on the lake oil painting Boats on the lake oil painting Boats on the lake oil painting Boats on the lake oil painting Boats on the lake oil painting Boats on the lake oil painting Boats on the lake oil painting
Boats on the lake

Boats on the lake on sunset by Raissa Kagan.

Original heavy textured impasto oil painting on stretched

canvas, impressionistic landscape Monet inspired artwork,

one of a kind painting.Home decoration or gift.

Size of the painting is 40/60 sm or 15.7/23.6 inches.

The painting is not framed.

Free shipping worldwide is available.

Most original painting orders will take 1 to 15 business days

in shipping time within Europe.

USA  10 – 24 bussiness days.

Posters ,t shirts and iphone cases are printed

In United States or Europe.

Please provide your phone number for more secure shipping.

All my paintings are handmade,most of them just one of a kind.

The painting is signed and comes with certificate of authenticity.


For any questions please contact 

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